An interview with Brandon Weimer, Brandini Toffee founder

Brandini Toffee started in 2006 as a way for Co-Founder, Brandon Weimer and his friend to make a bit of extra money. Brandon and the thriving family business that has been featured on The Food Network, The Martha Stewart Show, and Oprah Winfrey’s O List, are perfect examples of what hard work and pursuing your goals can do.
See what Brandon had to say to our founder Bianca Rae about starting a successful business and what he would tell his 12-year-old self.
Bianca Rae: When you were a kid, what do you remember wanting to be when you grew up?
Brandon Weimer: Like many kids I looked up to my parents.
My dad was a general manager of a hotel and therefore I thought business management was something I’d want to do. At the same time I enjoyed cooking and though culinary could be a possibility as well. It seems Brandini has worked out to be a combination of both!
BR: What do you remember feeling when you started Brandini Toffee?
BW: I felt proud to not only be working at the age of 15 but to be working for myself. Our first goal was to fundraise for a student trip to Italy and reaching that goal provided a lot of gratification. A new business is full of excitement and being there for every transaction and customer connection was a constant reward of progress. This emotion is what still drives us to this day.
BR: What has been the biggest challenge over the years?
BW: The balance of growing and surviving. It can be expensive to grow but growth is something we have always been motivated by. This takes a lot of planning (and some luck) and we’re grateful to have navigated it successfully thus far.
BR: What characteristic and personal traits does it take to be a successful entrepreneur ?
BW: A hunger to learn, resilience to keep moving forward, and passion.
BR: What advice would you give young people who want to start a business ?
BW: Youth have a lot of advantages that make it the perfect time to start a business. You have the energy, creativity, and fearlessness that all age groups wish they still had. If you have the right idea, why not start now?
BR:What advice would you give your 12 year old self ?
BW: Trust your instincts
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